At St Nicholas the central purpose of our music education is for pupils to make more music, think more musically and as a result become more musical.
At St Nicholas we are using a new primary music scheme produced Sing up! This is an interactive programme that introduces the children to a variety of different music styles. All pupils are encouraged to listen to musical extracts from different times and cultures and evaluate their own feelings about the music. Children are taught a variety of musical features, skills and vocabulary.
Many of our children sing or play an instrument at St Nicholas.
We currently have two wonderful peripatetic teachers who offer tuition in:
- Piano
- Guitar
Years 1-6 have the opportunity to join music club which meets on a Monday afternoon after school. Run by Mrs Wilson, it is an opportunity to enjoy singing and playing instruments together. They sing a wide variety of songs from traditional songs, songs from different cultures, well known songs and songs from the charts. We learn about different instruments, the types of sounds we can make with them and learn how to play musical notation. A time to enjoy music in a fun environment!
At Christmas Acorns, Chestnuts and Willows perform a Christmas nativity production, ensuring that all children who want to be involved are. This year Ash will also be performing their own Nativity performance. In the summer term, after SATS, Acers and Oaks work together to put together a production that they perform to parents and the rest of the school.
Our Year 4 pupils also receive a term of musical tuition from the Dorset Music Service. This year they are learning to play the ukulele.
If you are interested in your children learning an instrument, please contact the school office.
Once a week we have singing worship, where the whole school comes together to learn and sing songs of worship. We also use this time to learn songs to perform at religious festivals, important school occasions, for example our Leavers service and national celebrations.